
It’s official. Crappy eating leads to pimples, sore throat, and lethargy.

My in-laws visited for the weekend, so we adventured. I was ill-prepared with snacks and meals, so I ate out. A lot. Starting Saturday, I’ll do another week of FMD before my family comes in for Easter. Wish me luck.

A few days later… 3/9/16

Last night I had a heaping bowl of taco soul with a dollop of Daisy and a handful of shredded cheese followed by …five….cookies. They were delicious cookies.

Then I had a horrible tummy ache that is still lingering.

The lesson? Stay away. Sugar! Wheat! Corn! Dairy! Owwww.

After The Diet

Well, I was going to do three more days, one day of each phase, but I’m ready to break free.

As a reminder, here’s what I hoped for in this diet:

Things I hope to lose: headaches, breakouts, cravings, five to ten pounds, did I mention headaches?

Things I hope to gain: confidence, will power, energy, freedom from sugar

My headaches pretty much disappeared for a month, my skin cleared up, sugar cravings went totally away, and I lost about five pounds. Not to mention, I have more energy, and I feel great. My clothes fit just a little better, and my tummy is much more flat.

I want to keep up these great effects, so I plan on continuing my meals and snacks with lots of veggies. I’ll continue drinking lots of water (I’m addicted) and eating every 3-4 hours (already did that). So adding those veggies will make a big difference. I’ll pay better attention to my consumption health fats. I’ll try to eat more protein. I’ll keep reading labels for hidden sugars and preservatives. I’ll try my best to keep our dairy, soy, and wheat. I’ll definitely keep processed foods to a minimum.

I’ll post occasionally with my progress and any changes in my meal plan.

Thanks for the support and good luck with your Fast Metabolism Diet.

Saturday, Week Four, Phase Three, 3/5/16

Goodness, I love breakfast. I love phase three. Look how beautiful this is… Egg scramble with one whole egg (a magic double yolk egg) and a few egg whites, sauteed zucchini and peppers, avocado, and blue berries. Add a sprouted-grain tortilla, and you have one fat and happy camper.

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Snack: Celery and almond butter in the office. (Working on Saturday. Barf.)

Lunch: Ground beef, sweet potato, zucchini, and an egg. Top with half an avocado. So delicious. One of my favorite meals so far. And so easy.

Snack: Almonds and a butternut squash/sweet potato hash. Added broccoli, which isn’t on the diet. Oops.

Dinner: Oatmeal and almond milk, sweet potatoes, and an egg.


Snack: Cinnamon chia pudding.

Friday, Week Four, Phase Three, 3/4/16

Phase two is over, and the end is in sight. Three more days of fatty glory, then I’m free to eat that pizza.

I’m really starting to think about maintenance ideas. I’ll watch some videos and read Haylie Pomroy’s blogs. Update in the future.

Breakfast: Sweet potatoes, sunny-side-up egg, toast, avocado, grapefruit

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Snack: Sweet potato fries and coconut butter. Amazing.

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Lunch: Chipotle

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Snack: Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding and sweet potato hash (FAIL)

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Dinner: Leftover Chipotle and zucchini hash.


Can you tell I love taking pictures of my fatty and colorful phase three meals?

Wednesday, Week Four, Phase Two, 3/2/16

Ah, phase two again. But that means only five days left of this diet.

Breakfast: Egg whites and peppers. I finally got a non stick pan. A load of BS. It stuck a lot.

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Snack: Deli roast beef broccoli.

Snack: Beef jerky and cucumber.

Lunch: I totally don’t remember what I had for my late lunch. I thiiiink it was ground turkey with cucumbers. Eek!

Dinner: STEAK! And green beans.

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Tuesday, Week Four, Phase One, 3/1/16

The end is so close. I can almost taste it.

Breakfast: Oatmeal and strawberries (same as every single phase one meal, but it’s easy so whatever.

Snack: Frozen strawberries because I realized I didn’t have anything else!

Lunch: Leftover pasta and an apple.

Snack: Apple.

Dinner: Turkey chili with quinoa and roasted carrots.

Snack: Mango and kiwi.

This diet must really be working my metabolism because I’ve been so hungry this week. Even hungrier than in past weeks.

Monday, Week Four, Phase One, 2/29/16

Happy Leap Day! Yahooo.

Also, I’m down to the final week of the Fast Metabolism Diet. Here’s where I start to think about life after the diet.

Maintenance brainstorm: I’d like to keep my personal meals as close as I can to following this diet, but I’ll be more lenient when it comes to eating out and socializing.

Breakfast: Steel-cut oats and strawberries.

Snack: Fresh fruit salad of mangoes and strawberries. Yum!

Lunch: Turkey chili (still from week one! Yay for freezers.) Mango.

Snack: Orange.

Dinner: Brown rice pasta, homemade pasta sauce with butternut squash, zucchini, and peppers. Ground turkey. Supa yum.

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Snack: Cucumber and an orange.

Sunday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/28/16

Breakfast: Sprouted-grain toast, fried egg, avocado, and a plum on the side. (No veggies cause I’m awful.)

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Snack: Almonds and carrots at church.

Lunch: Coconut curry chicken. Warms the soul.

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Snack: Spinach avocado smoothie.

Dinner: Leftover Chipotle. Skipped the grain because of all the starches beans in the bowl. And green beans.

Snack/dessert: Chocolate coconut chia pudding. So scrumptious.

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