Thursday, Week 5, Phase 1, 3/17/16

Doing a week of FMD to keep myself sane.

Breakfast- oatmeal and two kiwis

Snack- two Cuties

Lunch- Jamba Juice smoothie, rice bowl with beans, salsa, and peppers

Snack- Blueberries

Dinner- Cube and cook a chicken breast. Remove from pan. Sautee (no oil, but you can use chicken broth) carrot cubes and sweet potato until soft. Add zucchini. Season with salt, pepper, cinnamon, red pepper flakes, chipotle powder, and whatever else. Add in chicken. Serve over brown rice pasta.

Tuesday, Week Four, Phase One, 3/1/16

The end is so close. I can almost taste it.

Breakfast: Oatmeal and strawberries (same as every single phase one meal, but it’s easy so whatever.

Snack: Frozen strawberries because I realized I didn’t have anything else!

Lunch: Leftover pasta and an apple.

Snack: Apple.

Dinner: Turkey chili with quinoa and roasted carrots.

Snack: Mango and kiwi.

This diet must really be working my metabolism because I’ve been so hungry this week. Even hungrier than in past weeks.

Monday, Week Four, Phase One, 2/29/16

Happy Leap Day! Yahooo.

Also, I’m down to the final week of the Fast Metabolism Diet. Here’s where I start to think about life after the diet.

Maintenance brainstorm: I’d like to keep my personal meals as close as I can to following this diet, but I’ll be more lenient when it comes to eating out and socializing.

Breakfast: Steel-cut oats and strawberries.

Snack: Fresh fruit salad of mangoes and strawberries. Yum!

Lunch: Turkey chili (still from week one! Yay for freezers.) Mango.

Snack: Orange.

Dinner: Brown rice pasta, homemade pasta sauce with butternut squash, zucchini, and peppers. Ground turkey. Supa yum.

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Snack: Cucumber and an orange.

Tuesday, Week Three, Phase One, 2/23/16

I can’t believe I’m more than halfway done. I feel like the diet is more like a lifestyle now (def not keeping it up permanently though). It’s second nature what foods I can and can’t eat, and I’m learning which foods I love (carrots) and what I can’t stand (spinach).

Today I bought some coconut aminos (a soy-free version of soy sauce) and sugar-free hot sauce which I know realize I got the wrong kind. It was supposed to be sriracha. Dang it. Maybe Whole Foods will take it back…. or someone else might want it. Anyways, I found this recipe for sriracha that I totally need to try. After more research, I see that even the organic fancy sriracha has sugar in it. Bummer. The hot sauce will suffice for now.

My order of psyllium husks also came finally. They’re a pill supplement from (Ask me for a $10 off code.) I took a supplement and a tbsp of bentonite clay. We’ll see how to goes. Or how I go. 😉

Breakfast: oatmeal and strawberries. The strawberries are perfect all mushed up, so they get the oatmeal all liquidy. Dry oatmeal=ugggh

Snack: Apple!

Lunch: Samesies at yesterday. Sauteed peppers and zucchini with egg whites. This time I had a slice of sprouted-grain toast and two kiwis. So much yum.

Snack: An orange on the way to the dentist. Eek! (didn’t have to get numbed. Yay!)

Activity: Ran three miles with two girlfriends. It wasn’t too bad!

Dinner: Turkey chili again. Not even sad about that.


Monday, Week Three, Phase One, 2/22/16

Breakfast: The classic steel cut oats (still from the first week batch) and frozen strawberries.

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Snack: a deliciously juicy pear

Lunch: red and orange bell peppers and zucchini all sauteed up. Then added three egg whites. Ate with a sprouted-grain tortilla and a pear.

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Doesn’t that look so good? It was. It really was.Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Snack: Gala apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

Dinner: Good old turkey chili. Can’t go wrong.

Snack: Bachelor night, of course, so I had some apple slices with cinnamon on top.

Tuesday, Week Two, Phase One, 2/16/16

I was just a little confused why I haven’t lost any weight, so I brought out the tape measure. It looks like I’ve lost a half inch around my hips, an inch around my thighs, and about a half inch around my waist. Could be the different times of day I measured or exactly where the tape was. It’s hard to tell. Anyways, I feel good, so that’s what matters.

Breakfast: Oatmeal and frozen fruit.

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Snack: Kiwis.

Lunch: French toast and eggs whites with carrots and half a grapefruit.

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Snack: A deliciously juicy orange.

Dinner: Turkey chili with loads of cilantro.

Snack: Blueberries.

Monday, Week Two, Phase One, 2/16/16

Welcome to week 2! I’m two pounds down (big whoop) but I feel good! Phase three was an excellent way to spend the weekend. It was well deserved after a miserable two days of phase two. Hopefully that will be better this week.

I got president’s day off of work, but Brad didn’t, so I had some oatmeal and frozen fruit medley for breakfast and walked with him to his office. I spent the next couple hours wandering around the town getting my errands done. (Whole Foods, Library, Apartment tour, Grocery Outlet)

Nala helped me divide the huge carrot and broccoli bags into smaller bags.


Snack: I munched on an apple on my way to the beach.

Lunch: Before I left, I made some sprouted-grain french toast with egg white, vanilla, and cinnamon. Throw in a bag of carrots and another a Tupperware full of blueberries. They held well in the heat (sad Californians getting sunburned in February. #sorrynotsorry)

Snack: After the beach, I stopped at Costco to return something and the cravings kicked in. Never have I wanted crappy pizza more than I did today. I seriously contemplated screwing the diet and buying a whole pizza and eating it on my own. But I stayed strong and had some blueberries for my snack when I got home.

Dinner: Scrambled egg whites with onion and bell pepper on top of a piece of sprouted-grain toast. I had a few blueberries too because they just looked so nommy.


Update on how I’m feeling over all, since it is a week into the diet. I’m much less gassy. Three cheers! And I feel good, generally. Today was the worst so far with cravings. Pizza, specifically. I never would have guessed pizza was my vice, but apparently it is. There were at least six Pizza Hut and Dominoes commercials during The Bachelor. I couldn’t. Then Brad decided to have a Hot Pocket for lunch. Ahhh.

Tuesday, Week One, Phase One 2/9/16

Happy birthday to my mother!

Breakfast: spinach and kale into blender. WRRRRR. Add frozen mango, pineapple, strawberry, and peach. WRRcrunchRRRRcrunch, Add a cup of precooked steel-cut oats and a packet of Stevia. Attempt to drink the whole thing. This was the weirdest smoothie I have ever had.

Snack: organic Gala apple.

Lunch: 1.5 cups turkey chili and two kiwis.

Snack: a delicious juicy orange.

Dinner: brown rice pasta, broccoli, roast beef

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Monday, Week One, Phase One. 2/8/16

I could hardly sleep last night with excitement. Or was that the overwhelming amount of sugar and crap I consumed during the Super Bowl? PS: I do not like football, but who can say no to a feast of that size? I made cinnamon rolls and Brad made a cheesy fondue dip.

But I can’t think about that now.

I woke up with Brad at 7:30am and hopped on the scale for my official “before” weight. 129. Thanks, Super Bowl. I took measurements too, but I’ll post those later. No before pictures yet.

For brekkies (7:50am) I had 1 cup of steel cut oats (I made them on Saturday afternoon) with a cup of frozen strawberries. No milk, no sugar. Not going to lie, it was hard to get that down. I normally eat like a third of that. It took me like twenty minutes to get all that food down. This is not a hungry diet.

Turkey chili is in the crockpot waiting to fill my apartment with that delicious aroma. I used the recipe from Haylie Pomroy’s Fast Metabolism Diet book and added butternut squash. Don’t worry… I checked first, and it is allowed in phase 1 and phase 3.

I took an orange with me to the office for my eleven o’clock snacker and ate that with pleasure. And I’ve been snacking on celery throughout the day. Just plain celery is …hmm… just okay.

Today was confusing because my dad was in town to meet for a late lunch. I wasn’t really sure how to handle in-between-meal meals, so I had two kiwis before I left. We met at a food court, so I had lots of options. However, only Subway and Chipotle had food I slightly trusted. Subway didn’t have spinach (I found out after waiting in line for five minutes), so I got lettuce and pico from Chipotle. Some lunch.

By the time we got home, it was time for dinner (which was actually my lunch since I had two snacks in a row), so I had a cup and a half of turkey chili.

When it was time for real dinner at like 7:30, I realized none of the sprouted grain stuff I had will work for this phase (flax and sesame seeds. Oops), so I bowl up some brown rice pasta and steamed some broccoli. The Applegate organic roast beef was super delicious. I ate four ounces straight from the package. Mmmmm. The meal was pretty plain, but still yummy and filling.

We stayed up far too late, so I had an apple around 11:00.

Day one: success! I don’t think I messed up at all.

Phase One

Here’s the more specific rules of Phase One that I promised. Honestly I haven’t even heard of half the foods on this list. But typing it out made me realize how much food we actually can eat. This is not a restrictive diet.

Except that whole no refined sugar thing. Yikes. But look at all that fruit!

Also, let’s talk about exercise. You’re getting a thousand million billion carbs, so this is the time to do at least one day of cardio.  Continue reading Phase One