Thursday, Week Four, Phase Two, 3/3/16

I had considered doing phase two for three days.




Snack: Chocolate mug cake.

Breakfast: Chocolate mug cake x three.

Lunch: Ground beef on a salad.

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Snack: Nick’s Stick and asparagus.

Dinner: Deli roast beef sauteed with bell peppers. I couldn’t handle the whole thing.

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Wednesday, Week Four, Phase Two, 3/2/16

Ah, phase two again. But that means only five days left of this diet.

Breakfast: Egg whites and peppers. I finally got a non stick pan. A load of BS. It stuck a lot.

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Snack: Deli roast beef broccoli.

Snack: Beef jerky and cucumber.

Lunch: I totally don’t remember what I had for my late lunch. I thiiiink it was ground turkey with cucumbers. Eek!

Dinner: STEAK! And green beans.

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Thursday, Week Three, Phase Two, 2/25/16

Day two of phase two, and I’m not feeling weak or tired. Win!

A cool thing this diet has taught me is what food I miss and what food I eat out of habit or ease.

Things I miss:

  • Pizza
  • Cheese
  • Cereal
  • Crunchy candy

Things I don’t miss:

  • Ice cream. This surprised me, but I just don’t think about it very much.
  • Peanut butter and peanuts in general
  • Dried fruit
  • Sugary sauces
  • Corn
  • Bread
  • Wheat thins, Triscuits, gold fish, fruit snacks, cookies
  • Lots of things that I can’t list because I haven’t thought about them.

I wonder how much I’ll be able to keep these things out of my life once this diet is over.

Besides these foods, I’ve learned how easy is it to eat healthy. It’s so easy to chop up a cucumber or fill a bag with carrots and take it to work with me. Broccoli and sea salt actually makes a great snack. Basically, I’ve learned to enjoy veggies. That’s a win in my book.


Breakfast: Egg whites (I finally bought the carton kind.) and peppers.

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I finally chose the right size tupperware. Wooooo.

Snack: Cucumbers and Nick’s Sticks (beef, and I’m learning I like the turkey better.)

Lunch: I attempted another green smoothie. Kale and cucumber. Nope. Way too chunky. I really need a nicer blender. 4oz of deli roast beef is a lot of roast beef. I didn’t mind it too much.

Snack: Oh man. Garlic coconut aminos over asparagus. Seriously dying at how delicious this is. I finished off my chicken from yesterday’s dinner.

Dinner: More asparagus, because DELICIOUS. Then some taco salad.

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Thursday, Week Two, Phase Two, 2/18/16

Happy anniversary to my lovely parents. ❤

The thunder last night was insane. The loudest I have ever heard. It woke me up at 6:30, and Brad got up to watch for more lightning. We got up, so I started cooking up some brekkies.

Breakfast: three egg whites with bell peppers and onions.

Snack: So I attempted a chocolate spinach shake. That didn’t happen. I finished off my snack requirements with roast beef, green leaf lettuce, dirt from not washing said lettuce, and broccoli with not enough salt.

After snack feelings: This is so hard. I am dying. A friend recommended bentonite clay, so I’ll give that an attempt if I can manage the walk to Whole Foods. Ha! I feel miserable and grouchy. Poor Nala has to deal with me now.

Lunch: Seriously more taco salad. Not even sad about that. I ate it at work. 🙂

Snack: Roast beef. Hooray.

Dinner: The rest of the taco salad mix on top of spinach and green leaf lettuce.

Snack: Mmk, the chocolate mug cake was the best “dessert” I’ve had so far on the Fast Metabolism Diet. I wanted a second one.


All in all, I’m so glad today is over. I hate phase two.

Wednesday, Week Two, Phase Two, 2/17/16

Ah, here we meet again, Phase Two. I will own you this week. You will be mine.

Breakfast: sauteed bell peppers with two egg whites (oops, supposed to be three. Gotta go shopping.)

Check out the excited package I found on my door this morning. <333 Farm Fresh To You is an awesome company in the bay area, CA that brings produce from the farm straight to your front door. This box was $33, and look at everything I got. Mmm. #spotthekitty

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Snack: deli roast beef inside a green leaf lettuce “taco.”

Lunch: Taco Salad So filling and yummy.

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Snack: Roast beef in green leaf lettuce, probably. I honestly can’t remember what I ate for my snack.

Dinner: A hearty bowl of over-cooked chicken and veggie soup. It was all mushy, and the chicken was dry (even though it was swimming in broth). Whatevs. It filled me up.

Snack: I tried a lemon lime sorbet. Nope.

Phase Two is so hard, guys. I went to bed at 9:30 because my energy was just gone.

Taco Salad- Phase Two

My first week of phase two was ridiculously difficult. I was determined this week to come up with a recipe that tasted good and fulfilled all the requirements of a phase two meal.

Here it is.

Taco Salad

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  • 1 bell pepper (Any or all colors)
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 1 garlic glove (optional if you hate cutting garlic as much as I do)
  • 1 lb lean ground turkey
  • .5-1.5 tbsp chili powder (how spicy do you like it?)
  • cumin, paprika, salt, garlic powder
  • spinach
  • green leaf lettuce
  • cilantro
  • lemon


  • Chop the bell pepper and onions into small pieces. Saute without oil in a non-stick pan. Add garlic halfway through.
  • Add ground turkey and cook thoroughly.
  • Season with chili powder, cumin, paprika, salt, and garlic powder to taste.
  • Serve 6oz of turkey mix over a bed of spinach and torn green leaf lettuce
  • Top with cilantro and squeezed lemon juice.
  • Hint: Save some of the turkey mix for phase three quesadilla.

Thursday, Week One, Phase Two, 2/11/16

Today is easily the hardest day. Not the food necessarily. It’s the fatigue. I feel like I can’t even walk up the stairs. I honestly have no idea how I’m going to do strength training. Tomorrow could not come sooner.

Wake: 7:00am

Weight: 127.2

Breakfast: 4 oz deli turkey with romaine lettuce. Fun, right?

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Snack: 2 oz deli roast beef. I had my ever so yummy roast beef, then went on a walk to find Brad. Whole Foods after for some raw cacao powder to make some sort of sweet treat. No luck there (Not for $20 for 1/2 lb!) so I settled on some Xyla. I tore open the bad and stuck my finger into the crystally goodness. Oh man. It hit the spot. Raw, plain, delish.

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Lunch: leftover cinnamon chicken with celery and mint tea. Mmm. I’m so over this meat day.

Snack: more roast beef. Seriously, if I have to eat any more of this…

Dinner: ground beef with some homemade taco seasoning (cumin, paprika, and chipotle pepper) with onions on top of some romaine lettuce. This was actually pretty good, but compared to the ice cream sitting on the top shelf of the freezer…..

I had a surprise root canal today, so that was a joy. And my husband and I fell asleep on the living room floor. What a day.


Wednesday, Week One, Phase Two, 2/10/16

I can already tell phase two is going to be difficult for me.

Breakfast: I attempted an egg white scramble with wilted spinach and red onions. Nopity nope nope nope. Two bites in I decided on some roast beef and celery. Wilted spinach is not for me. It sure was pretty.

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Snack: deli roast beef and celery.

Lunch: More roast beef because work was busy and roast beef is yummy. Celery and romaine.

Snack: Turkey.

Dinner: Best meal of the day today. Baked cinnamon chicken from the book with variation. I’ll post the recipe later. I ate an entire pound of green beans and still had a growling tummy.

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Today was hard. Brad had a big fat bowl of ice cream while we watched tv, and I wanted to die watching him.

Phase Two

Phase two of the diet so far seems a bit more complicated than phase one. There’s a big difference in foods you can’t eat. All I can say is goooood luck.

Oh, and here’s a reminder to buy organic whenever possible. And no sugar added! It sneaks into things. I bought some deli meat (turkey) that screamed “nitrate-free,” but I found that sneaky sugar on the ingredient list. Continue reading Phase Two