Sunday, Week Four, Phase Two, 3/6/16

It’s my last day according to the 28-day plan. But I’m going to do three more days. Monday, phase one, Tuesday phase two, and Wednesday phase three.

Breakfast: egg, peppers, avocado, and half a grapefruit

Snack: almonds and cucumber

Lunch: Ground beef, zucchini, sweet potato, kale all mixed together with coconut oil. And blueberries.

Snack: Cinnamon chia pudding, almond butter, celery.

Dinner: Coconut chicken curry. So many yums.

Snack: Almonds, walnuts.

Saturday, Week Four, Phase Three, 3/5/16

Goodness, I love breakfast. I love phase three. Look how beautiful this is… Egg scramble with one whole egg (a magic double yolk egg) and a few egg whites, sauteed zucchini and peppers, avocado, and blue berries. Add a sprouted-grain tortilla, and you have one fat and happy camper.

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Snack: Celery and almond butter in the office. (Working on Saturday. Barf.)

Lunch: Ground beef, sweet potato, zucchini, and an egg. Top with half an avocado. So delicious. One of my favorite meals so far. And so easy.

Snack: Almonds and a butternut squash/sweet potato hash. Added broccoli, which isn’t on the diet. Oops.

Dinner: Oatmeal and almond milk, sweet potatoes, and an egg.


Snack: Cinnamon chia pudding.

Friday, Week Four, Phase Three, 3/4/16

Phase two is over, and the end is in sight. Three more days of fatty glory, then I’m free to eat that pizza.

I’m really starting to think about maintenance ideas. I’ll watch some videos and read Haylie Pomroy’s blogs. Update in the future.

Breakfast: Sweet potatoes, sunny-side-up egg, toast, avocado, grapefruit

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Snack: Sweet potato fries and coconut butter. Amazing.

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Lunch: Chipotle

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Snack: Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding and sweet potato hash (FAIL)

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Dinner: Leftover Chipotle and zucchini hash.


Can you tell I love taking pictures of my fatty and colorful phase three meals?

Sunday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/28/16

Breakfast: Sprouted-grain toast, fried egg, avocado, and a plum on the side. (No veggies cause I’m awful.)

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Snack: Almonds and carrots at church.

Lunch: Coconut curry chicken. Warms the soul.

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Snack: Spinach avocado smoothie.

Dinner: Leftover Chipotle. Skipped the grain because of all the starches beans in the bowl. And green beans.

Snack/dessert: Chocolate coconut chia pudding. So scrumptious.

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Saturday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/27/16

Breakfast: I have finally perfected my sweet potato pancakes recipe. Will post later. For now, here they are.


We’re heading to the city again today, so I packed almonds and carrots for my snack. It ended up being a tough day for the diet. What was supposed to be a few hours in the city ended up being an all day thing.

Snack: Almonds and carrots

Lunch: Pad Thai from a stand in the Ferry Building. No protein in the meal, so I ate a beef jerky stick(not a full 4oz. Oops).

Snack: I bought a pound of raw almonds from the farmer’s market, so I snacked on those as we walked all around the city. And we made it back to the car in time for me to eat some carrots.

Dinner: Chipotle! Win.


Friday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/26/16

Breakfast: Heaven. Oh I mean, blueberries, sweet potato hash, a fried egg, an sprouted-grain toast with coconut butter. That stuff is heavenly. And I love Grocery Outlet for giving it to me for $3.

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Snack: Almonds and asparagus. I bought some xylitol gum and mints (aka candy) the other day from Whole Foods. Mm.


Lunch: an egg with guac, plus zucchini (oven fried with coconut aminos) and a plum.


Snack: a spinach avocado almond milk smoothie. I learned they’re much better when cold.

Dinner: oh my goodness. Coconut curry and quinoa. I’ll post my recipe eventually.


Snack: almond butter and carrots.

Sunday, Week Two, Phase Three, 2/21/16

Breakfast in bed usually is happier than sitting next to your sick spouse. In case the ultra-graininess inhibits your sight, this is an egg and avocado on toast with a hearty bowl of peppers.

Snack: Don’t mind me sitting through church crunching on almonds. At least the cucumbers were quieter.

Lunch: Leftover Chipotle was supa yum.

Snack: I couldn’t wait a second longer before having another spinach avocado smoothie. I added more spinach and less almond milk this time. Still delish. And ever so healthy. It filled me up for a while too.

Dinner: I ate dinner in phases today. These crispy green beans (Costco FTW) with salt, pepper, and crushed red chili peppers, drizzled with olive oil seriously hit the spot. I still needed a grain, a protein, and half my fat, so I made a piece of french toast with almond milk in with the egg. And slathered on a bit of coconut oil. Let’s just say I slept well after that.

Saturday, Week Two, Phase Three, 2/20/16

I’ve already sung glory hallelujah to phase three, but here it is again.


Breakfast: I attempted some Paleo pancakes, but they were not so good. Coconut flour is way too dense for me. On the left, I started soaking some quinoa for a pizza crust recipe I found.

Snack: We headed to San Francisco for a city day, so I packed some almonds and snacked on those and cucumbers on the drive. Seriously, I brought a cooler of food with me. Just in case.

Lunch: Basically the whole objective of our adventure was to find a Chipotle. I did my research and learned that almost everything is okay for Phase Three. Heck yesss. So check out this delicious barbacoa salad with black beans, no rice, and lots and lots of guac. (PS I only ate half, but I think that was still too much for a perfect portion. I wouldn’t do this every day.)

Snack: After like two hours, we made it back to the car to the rest of my snacks. Crunchy almonds and peppers while Brad slept on the lawn at Golden Gate Park.

Dinner: Call me boring, but I’ve really been digging the sunny-side-up egg and peppers.

On another note, my friend told me about bentonite clay to help with the Phase Two detox feeling. This stuff has worked miracles. Take a tbsp on an empty stomach with a bit of warm water and wash it down with plenty more water. I ordered some psyllium husks to go along with it. The two of them together clean out the intestines like no body’s business. Really, it’s not your business…

Friday, Week Two, Phase THREE, 2/19/16

Oh glorious, glorious Phase Three, how I love thee.

Breakfast was so satisfying with an entire egg, sunny side up, some sprouted-grain toast, almond butter, celery, and a mug full of blueberries. I can’t wait for lunch. Mmmmm.

Snack: Almonds and celery. Can’t go wrong.

Lunch: I tell you. I’m loving this egg and peppers thing. I had another one for lunch. Add some blueberries, and you have one happy Rachel.

Snack: I can’t believe I almost forgot about the BEST spinach avocado smoothie. Oh man. almond milk, spinach, avocado, vanilla, and some ice. Holy cow. So smooth. So delish.

Dinner: Avocado quesadilla ftw.

I even said no to a root beer float at a game night.

(Sorry, I wasn’t too good at pictures today. Just trust me when I say I ate well.)

Avocado Quesadilla- Phase Three

This one is a no-brainer.

Avocado Quesadilla



  • 1 bell pepper (any of all colors)
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 1 garlic clove (optional)
  • 1 pound lean ground turkey (or leftover from phase two taco salad, perhaps?)
  • sprouted-grain tortilla (This kind is approved.)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • lemon or lime juice
  • chili powder
  • cilantro


  • Chop bell pepper, onion, and garlic into small pieces. Saute in frying pan with small bit of coconut oil. Add ground turkey and cook thoroughly. Season with chili powder to taste.
  • Warm tortilla on frying pan. While it’s warming, mash half an avocado. Mix in lemon or lime juice and chili powder to taste.
  • Spread avocado over warmed or toasted tortilla.
  • Top with 6 oz ground turkey mix and cilantro.
  • Cut into slices or dig right in.