
Hi, guys. This is me. (look up at the picture)

I’m 24 years old and generally healthy, but I have a major addiction to sugar. Like candy is my main squeeze, and ice cream is my secret night time lover.

I’m starting this diet to teach my body that healthy food will be nicer to it than junk food. I want to teach my mind that it can be stronger than my desires.I want to learn to control myself in a way I’ve never tried before.

Things I hope to lose: headaches, breakouts, cravings, five to ten pounds, did I mention headaches?

Things I hope to gain: confidence, will power, energy, freedom from sugar

This is my first diet, so join me on my journey.


PS: I’m pretty sure someone is going to scoff at my diet attempt because I’m 5’6″ and 130 pounds. So here’s my disclaimer: my main goal is to train myself to eat healthier, not to lose weight.


Thanks for reading. Go here next then take a look around. Have fun, and good luck.

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