Friday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/26/16

Breakfast: Heaven. Oh I mean, blueberries, sweet potato hash, a fried egg, an sprouted-grain toast with coconut butter. That stuff is heavenly. And I love Grocery Outlet for giving it to me for $3.

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Snack: Almonds and asparagus. I bought some xylitol gum and mints (aka candy) the other day from Whole Foods. Mm.


Lunch: an egg with guac, plus zucchini (oven fried with coconut aminos) and a plum.


Snack: a spinach avocado almond milk smoothie. I learned they’re much better when cold.

Dinner: oh my goodness. Coconut curry and quinoa. I’ll post my recipe eventually.


Snack: almond butter and carrots.

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