Tuesday, Week Three, Phase One, 2/23/16

I can’t believe I’m more than halfway done. I feel like the diet is more like a lifestyle now (def not keeping it up permanently though). It’s second nature what foods I can and can’t eat, and I’m learning which foods I love (carrots) and what I can’t stand (spinach).

Today I bought some coconut aminos (a soy-free version of soy sauce) and sugar-free hot sauce which I know realize I got the wrong kind. It was supposed to be sriracha. Dang it. Maybe Whole Foods will take it back…. or someone else might want it. Anyways, I found this recipe for sriracha that I totally need to try. After more research, I see that even the organic fancy sriracha has sugar in it. Bummer. The hot sauce will suffice for now.

My order of psyllium husks also came finally. They’re a pill supplement from Vitacost.com. (Ask me for a $10 off code.) I took a supplement and a tbsp of bentonite clay. We’ll see how to goes. Or how I go. 😉

Breakfast: oatmeal and strawberries. The strawberries are perfect all mushed up, so they get the oatmeal all liquidy. Dry oatmeal=ugggh

Snack: Apple!

Lunch: Samesies at yesterday. Sauteed peppers and zucchini with egg whites. This time I had a slice of sprouted-grain toast and two kiwis. So much yum.

Snack: An orange on the way to the dentist. Eek! (didn’t have to get numbed. Yay!)

Activity: Ran three miles with two girlfriends. It wasn’t too bad!

Dinner: Turkey chili again. Not even sad about that.


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