Friday, Week Two, Phase THREE, 2/19/16

Oh glorious, glorious Phase Three, how I love thee.

Breakfast was so satisfying with an entire egg, sunny side up, some sprouted-grain toast, almond butter, celery, and a mug full of blueberries. I can’t wait for lunch. Mmmmm.

Snack: Almonds and celery. Can’t go wrong.

Lunch: I tell you. I’m loving this egg and peppers thing. I had another one for lunch. Add some blueberries, and you have one happy Rachel.

Snack: I can’t believe I almost forgot about the BEST spinach avocado smoothie. Oh man. almond milk, spinach, avocado, vanilla, and some ice. Holy cow. So smooth. So delish.

Dinner: Avocado quesadilla ftw.

I even said no to a root beer float at a game night.

(Sorry, I wasn’t too good at pictures today. Just trust me when I say I ate well.)

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