Monday, Week Two, Phase One, 2/16/16

Welcome to week 2! I’m two pounds down (big whoop) but I feel good! Phase three was an excellent way to spend the weekend. It was well deserved after a miserable two days of phase two. Hopefully that will be better this week.

I got president’s day off of work, but Brad didn’t, so I had some oatmeal and frozen fruit medley for breakfast and walked with him to his office. I spent the next couple hours wandering around the town getting my errands done. (Whole Foods, Library, Apartment tour, Grocery Outlet)

Nala helped me divide the huge carrot and broccoli bags into smaller bags.


Snack: I munched on an apple on my way to the beach.

Lunch: Before I left, I made some sprouted-grain french toast with egg white, vanilla, and cinnamon. Throw in a bag of carrots and another a Tupperware full of blueberries. They held well in the heat (sad Californians getting sunburned in February. #sorrynotsorry)

Snack: After the beach, I stopped at Costco to return something and the cravings kicked in. Never have I wanted crappy pizza more than I did today. I seriously contemplated screwing the diet and buying a whole pizza and eating it on my own. But I stayed strong and had some blueberries for my snack when I got home.

Dinner: Scrambled egg whites with onion and bell pepper on top of a piece of sprouted-grain toast. I had a few blueberries too because they just looked so nommy.


Update on how I’m feeling over all, since it is a week into the diet. I’m much less gassy. Three cheers! And I feel good, generally. Today was the worst so far with cravings. Pizza, specifically. I never would have guessed pizza was my vice, but apparently it is. There were at least six Pizza Hut and Dominoes commercials during The Bachelor. I couldn’t. Then Brad decided to have a Hot Pocket for lunch. Ahhh.

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