Monday, Week One, Phase One. 2/8/16

I could hardly sleep last night with excitement. Or was that the overwhelming amount of sugar and crap I consumed during the Super Bowl? PS: I do not like football, but who can say no to a feast of that size? I made cinnamon rolls and Brad made a cheesy fondue dip.

But I can’t think about that now.

I woke up with Brad at 7:30am and hopped on the scale for my official “before” weight. 129. Thanks, Super Bowl. I took measurements too, but I’ll post those later. No before pictures yet.

For brekkies (7:50am) I had 1 cup of steel cut oats (I made them on Saturday afternoon) with a cup of frozen strawberries. No milk, no sugar. Not going to lie, it was hard to get that down. I normally eat like a third of that. It took me like twenty minutes to get all that food down. This is not a hungry diet.

Turkey chili is in the crockpot waiting to fill my apartment with that delicious aroma. I used the recipe from Haylie Pomroy’s Fast Metabolism Diet book and added butternut squash. Don’t worry… I checked first, and it is allowed in phase 1 and phase 3.

I took an orange with me to the office for my eleven o’clock snacker and ate that with pleasure. And I’ve been snacking on celery throughout the day. Just plain celery is …hmm… just okay.

Today was confusing because my dad was in town to meet for a late lunch. I wasn’t really sure how to handle in-between-meal meals, so I had two kiwis before I left. We met at a food court, so I had lots of options. However, only Subway and Chipotle had food I slightly trusted. Subway didn’t have spinach (I found out after waiting in line for five minutes), so I got lettuce and pico from Chipotle. Some lunch.

By the time we got home, it was time for dinner (which was actually my lunch since I had two snacks in a row), so I had a cup and a half of turkey chili.

When it was time for real dinner at like 7:30, I realized none of the sprouted grain stuff I had will work for this phase (flax and sesame seeds. Oops), so I bowl up some brown rice pasta and steamed some broccoli. The Applegate organic roast beef was super delicious. I ate four ounces straight from the package. Mmmmm. The meal was pretty plain, but still yummy and filling.

We stayed up far too late, so I had an apple around 11:00.

Day one: success! I don’t think I messed up at all.

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