Sunday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/28/16

Breakfast: Sprouted-grain toast, fried egg, avocado, and a plum on the side. (No veggies cause I’m awful.)

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Snack: Almonds and carrots at church.

Lunch: Coconut curry chicken. Warms the soul.

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Snack: Spinach avocado smoothie.

Dinner: Leftover Chipotle. Skipped the grain because of all the starches beans in the bowl. And green beans.

Snack/dessert: Chocolate coconut chia pudding. So scrumptious.

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Saturday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/27/16

Breakfast: I have finally perfected my sweet potato pancakes recipe. Will post later. For now, here they are.


We’re heading to the city again today, so I packed almonds and carrots for my snack. It ended up being a tough day for the diet. What was supposed to be a few hours in the city ended up being an all day thing.

Snack: Almonds and carrots

Lunch: Pad Thai from a stand in the Ferry Building. No protein in the meal, so I ate a beef jerky stick(not a full 4oz. Oops).

Snack: I bought a pound of raw almonds from the farmer’s market, so I snacked on those as we walked all around the city. And we made it back to the car in time for me to eat some carrots.

Dinner: Chipotle! Win.


Friday, Week Three, Phase Three, 2/26/16

Breakfast: Heaven. Oh I mean, blueberries, sweet potato hash, a fried egg, an sprouted-grain toast with coconut butter. That stuff is heavenly. And I love Grocery Outlet for giving it to me for $3.

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Snack: Almonds and asparagus. I bought some xylitol gum and mints (aka candy) the other day from Whole Foods. Mm.


Lunch: an egg with guac, plus zucchini (oven fried with coconut aminos) and a plum.


Snack: a spinach avocado almond milk smoothie. I learned they’re much better when cold.

Dinner: oh my goodness. Coconut curry and quinoa. I’ll post my recipe eventually.


Snack: almond butter and carrots.

Thursday, Week Three, Phase Two, 2/25/16

Day two of phase two, and I’m not feeling weak or tired. Win!

A cool thing this diet has taught me is what food I miss and what food I eat out of habit or ease.

Things I miss:

  • Pizza
  • Cheese
  • Cereal
  • Crunchy candy

Things I don’t miss:

  • Ice cream. This surprised me, but I just don’t think about it very much.
  • Peanut butter and peanuts in general
  • Dried fruit
  • Sugary sauces
  • Corn
  • Bread
  • Wheat thins, Triscuits, gold fish, fruit snacks, cookies
  • Lots of things that I can’t list because I haven’t thought about them.

I wonder how much I’ll be able to keep these things out of my life once this diet is over.

Besides these foods, I’ve learned how easy is it to eat healthy. It’s so easy to chop up a cucumber or fill a bag with carrots and take it to work with me. Broccoli and sea salt actually makes a great snack. Basically, I’ve learned to enjoy veggies. That’s a win in my book.


Breakfast: Egg whites (I finally bought the carton kind.) and peppers.

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I finally chose the right size tupperware. Wooooo.

Snack: Cucumbers and Nick’s Sticks (beef, and I’m learning I like the turkey better.)

Lunch: I attempted another green smoothie. Kale and cucumber. Nope. Way too chunky. I really need a nicer blender. 4oz of deli roast beef is a lot of roast beef. I didn’t mind it too much.

Snack: Oh man. Garlic coconut aminos over asparagus. Seriously dying at how delicious this is. I finished off my chicken from yesterday’s dinner.

Dinner: More asparagus, because DELICIOUS. Then some taco salad.

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Wednesday, Week Three, Phase Two, 2/24/16

Phase Two. You are MINE this week.

Breakfast: three egg whites with peppers.

Snack: Nick’s Sticks (turkey) and a very green smoothie

  • 1 English cucumber
  • 2 handfuls spinach
  • 1/2 lime (I wouldn’t do this next time.)
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp xylitol
  • water as needed.

And the winner isssssss- I need a nicer blender. It was super chunky, and the lime made it really bitter. I downed about a cup and a half before dumping it down the drain.

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Snack: The rest of the stuffed pepper and some broccoli.

Dinner: Chicken fajita salad (chicken and peppers over baby romaine) with lemon for the dressing.

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Snack: Nick’s Sticks (which kitty was obsessed with) and cucumber.

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I’m feeling AWESOME today. None of the shakiness or illness of last week. Phase two actually feels good. I might consider adding a third day of phase two. Maybe. Probably not.

Tuesday, Week Three, Phase One, 2/23/16

I can’t believe I’m more than halfway done. I feel like the diet is more like a lifestyle now (def not keeping it up permanently though). It’s second nature what foods I can and can’t eat, and I’m learning which foods I love (carrots) and what I can’t stand (spinach).

Today I bought some coconut aminos (a soy-free version of soy sauce) and sugar-free hot sauce which I know realize I got the wrong kind. It was supposed to be sriracha. Dang it. Maybe Whole Foods will take it back…. or someone else might want it. Anyways, I found this recipe for sriracha that I totally need to try. After more research, I see that even the organic fancy sriracha has sugar in it. Bummer. The hot sauce will suffice for now.

My order of psyllium husks also came finally. They’re a pill supplement from (Ask me for a $10 off code.) I took a supplement and a tbsp of bentonite clay. We’ll see how to goes. Or how I go. 😉

Breakfast: oatmeal and strawberries. The strawberries are perfect all mushed up, so they get the oatmeal all liquidy. Dry oatmeal=ugggh

Snack: Apple!

Lunch: Samesies at yesterday. Sauteed peppers and zucchini with egg whites. This time I had a slice of sprouted-grain toast and two kiwis. So much yum.

Snack: An orange on the way to the dentist. Eek! (didn’t have to get numbed. Yay!)

Activity: Ran three miles with two girlfriends. It wasn’t too bad!

Dinner: Turkey chili again. Not even sad about that.


Monday, Week Three, Phase One, 2/22/16

Breakfast: The classic steel cut oats (still from the first week batch) and frozen strawberries.

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Snack: a deliciously juicy pear

Lunch: red and orange bell peppers and zucchini all sauteed up. Then added three egg whites. Ate with a sprouted-grain tortilla and a pear.

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Doesn’t that look so good? It was. It really was.Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Snack: Gala apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

Dinner: Good old turkey chili. Can’t go wrong.

Snack: Bachelor night, of course, so I had some apple slices with cinnamon on top.

Week Three!

Alright, quick update on how I’m feeling and how the diet is going.

I haven’t lost any numbers from the scale, but I have lost some inches all around my body. So that’s cool. And I don’t crave sugar. I see candy and pass my eyes right over it. That ice cream hasn’t even been tempting (only a little). Brad is even convinced to cut back on sweets and treats. My headaches have gone away for now. I feel good overall.

My favorite thing about the diet is the variety. By the time I get to Phase One, I’m stoked for oatmeal and strawberries. Even the deli roast beef is pleasing for the first two meals of Phase Two. Then of course avocados and almonds.

Least favorite/most challenging thing: Phase Two, definitely. Is it the detox that causes me to be so weak? By the end of Thursday, I’m dead. Last week was better since I found a recipe I really liked. I need to try a smoothie or something to get more greens down. Can I IV that crap right into my blood stream? Let me know, k?

Let’s talk money:

Our grocery budget is usually around $300. Now, only 2/3 through the month, we’re at $450. While groceries have almost doubled, our dining expenses are nearly at zero. Brad still goes out for work sometimes, but we normally budget $150 for eating out. We’re at like $10 for that one Chipotle salad.

I stopped buying organic produce and have stuck to organic meat and animal products. Organic where I can for anything else. Produce is just too expensive right now.

Other prep things:  The turkey chili I made for week one is still kicking for this week, and I think I’ll have enough to finish out the diet. I’ve had to go to the store for random things, so over all, the first shopping trip was the biggest.

Things I need to find/buy:

  • Sugar-free Sriracha
  • More spices to add flavor to dishes
  • Better recipes for Phase Two
  • A carton of egg whites
  • Almond flour
  • Rice flour
  • Rice milk (would really help with oatmeal on phase one)

Things I didn’t need to buy:

  • Safflower mayo. I don’t really like it, and I never use it. Not my choice of fat.
  • Cacao powder. I just don’t like chocolate. So sue me.

Sunday, Week Two, Phase Three, 2/21/16

Breakfast in bed usually is happier than sitting next to your sick spouse. In case the ultra-graininess inhibits your sight, this is an egg and avocado on toast with a hearty bowl of peppers.

Snack: Don’t mind me sitting through church crunching on almonds. At least the cucumbers were quieter.

Lunch: Leftover Chipotle was supa yum.

Snack: I couldn’t wait a second longer before having another spinach avocado smoothie. I added more spinach and less almond milk this time. Still delish. And ever so healthy. It filled me up for a while too.

Dinner: I ate dinner in phases today. These crispy green beans (Costco FTW) with salt, pepper, and crushed red chili peppers, drizzled with olive oil seriously hit the spot. I still needed a grain, a protein, and half my fat, so I made a piece of french toast with almond milk in with the egg. And slathered on a bit of coconut oil. Let’s just say I slept well after that.

Saturday, Week Two, Phase Three, 2/20/16

I’ve already sung glory hallelujah to phase three, but here it is again.


Breakfast: I attempted some Paleo pancakes, but they were not so good. Coconut flour is way too dense for me. On the left, I started soaking some quinoa for a pizza crust recipe I found.

Snack: We headed to San Francisco for a city day, so I packed some almonds and snacked on those and cucumbers on the drive. Seriously, I brought a cooler of food with me. Just in case.

Lunch: Basically the whole objective of our adventure was to find a Chipotle. I did my research and learned that almost everything is okay for Phase Three. Heck yesss. So check out this delicious barbacoa salad with black beans, no rice, and lots and lots of guac. (PS I only ate half, but I think that was still too much for a perfect portion. I wouldn’t do this every day.)

Snack: After like two hours, we made it back to the car to the rest of my snacks. Crunchy almonds and peppers while Brad slept on the lawn at Golden Gate Park.

Dinner: Call me boring, but I’ve really been digging the sunny-side-up egg and peppers.

On another note, my friend told me about bentonite clay to help with the Phase Two detox feeling. This stuff has worked miracles. Take a tbsp on an empty stomach with a bit of warm water and wash it down with plenty more water. I ordered some psyllium husks to go along with it. The two of them together clean out the intestines like no body’s business. Really, it’s not your business…